
Educating. Equipping. Encouraging.

Cody Hanson Cody Hanson

Let's Talk About Your Sex-pectations

Sex can be complicated, because each individual brings different things to the table to the relationship– different backgrounds, experiences, education, expectations, etc.

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Lisa Gray MS, LPC Lisa Gray MS, LPC

Spring is Springing!

Research confirms that sunlight triggers the release of serotonin and the production of vitamin D, which are associated with boosting mood and focus while also reducing stress. We’re giving practical steps to spend more time outside to get more vitamin D.

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Kate Kersey Kate Kersey

Loving Yourself Well

Loving yourself is easier said than done. What is this February, we chose to love ourselves well?

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Kate Kersey Kate Kersey

What Have I to Give This Holiday?

Perhaps the greatest gift we can offer this season is connection. Specifically practicing the skill of attunement in our interactions with others. Relational expert, John Gottman, defines attunement as the “entering into another’s world”.

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Lyndsey Lozier Lyndsey Lozier

4 Ways to Practice Gratitude

Cultivating gratitude can lead to improved mental health, stronger relationships, and a greater sense of happiness. If you're looking to practice gratitude in your daily life, here are four effective ways to get started.

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Kate Kersey Kate Kersey

The Power of Externalization

A person’s mental illness can become the defining marker of their character. I encourage clients, parents, and caregivers to separate or externalize the mental illness from the person.

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Lyndsey Lozier Lyndsey Lozier

Strengthening Love: Marriage Counseling Using the Gottman Method

What sets the Gottman Method apart from other forms of marriage counseling is its distinctive therapeutic process. Unlike traditional therapy, where a third party often mediates conflicts and takes sides, the Gottman therapist assumes a different role. They become an outsider, watching and analyzing how you and your partner interact.

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Cody Hanson Cody Hanson

When Hakuna Matata Doesn't Mean No Worries

Our life mottos can drive our lives. Many people have a philosophy by which they live -- just check out the list of a few above. How often have you heard these repeated in the face of any number of circumstances? These personal beliefs inform the way we respond to challenges, feats, and everything in between because they are statements of how we deeply believe the world works.

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Cody Hanson Cody Hanson

These 3 Mindsets are Making You Miserable

Sometimes, we make things a lot worse by the conclusions we come to about them. If we don’t monitor our thinking patterns, we run the risk of blowing up a scenario into something far more extreme than it actually is. Life is hard enough on it’s own - don’t make it worse by your interpretation. See if you have fallen prey to one of these mindsets.

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Cody Hanson Cody Hanson

Turning Your Hectic Holiday Season into a Happy Holiday Season

Even with the Thanksgiving holiday still visible in our rearview mirror, it is surprisingly easy to get swept up into the hustle and bustle and hurries and flurries of the holiday season. There are so many decisions and errands and plans to be made when we have to decide between red or green lights for the tree; hot chocolate or egg nog; Aunt May or Uncle Bob’s house for hosting; or selecting the right Christmas movie between Frosty the Snowman or Die Hard. It is easy to forget to pause and be thankful when the holidays overwhelm us.

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Cody Hanson Cody Hanson

Pandemics Aren't Paradise for Many Couples (but there's hope!)

This past year has been hard on marriage. This past year has been hard on relationships in general. Our routines have changed. We do not like change. Our world has shrunk – less people to see and places to go. Maybe you work and educate your kids from home, not to mention trying to keep them occupied! Sounds super fun and not stressful at all. You long for the day when you can simply go back to the office or meet a friend for coffee. Your typical coping skills are limited, and you feel trapped or stuck. Sound familiar?

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