Spring is Springing!
Happy March! Do you ever experience that first day of warmth and think, “Wow! This is what I’ve been missing?!” Yep, me too. Especially in Ohio, we experience the fake spring, pre-spring, second winter, almost spring, and finally, spring. Finally, the sun is setting at 7:30 PM and won’t set before 7 PM until October. That, my friends, is what I would call a win.
If you are anything like a big portion of the population, sunlight has a large impact on mental health.
Research confirms that sunlight triggers the release of serotonin and the production of vitamin D, which are associated with boosting mood and focus while also reducing stress. In addition, sunlight aids in the natural regulation of circadian rhythms, also known as the body's internal clock, which promotes better sleep patterns and reduced symptoms of insomnia and seasonal affective disorder. All that to say, these are really positive benefits for how we feel overall.
It is incredibly common to leave those dark, dreary winter months feeling worn down and maybe not fully like ourselves. How do we work through that bump in the road and get back to feeling more present? Great question. While there may be many answers to this question, let's talk about one of the more accessible options— getting outside to get more vitamin D!
This month, I want to challenge you to get outside a bit to increase the opportunity for all of those amazing health benefits. If getting outside more feels daunting or not possible, it’s important to ask yourself, “What is keeping me from getting outside?” Maybe it’s scrolling on social media, watching a certain show(s), busy schedules, time unintentionally slipping away. That’s real! Life certainly has a way of happening, but I do believe we have more control of how our time is spent then it may feel.
Here are a few tips and tricks to increase time spent outdoors and get more vitamin D:
Schedule Outdoor Activities: Set aside specific times in your schedule for walking, hiking, gardening, etc.
Incorporate Outdoor Time Into Daily Routine: Look for ways to incorporate time into your already established routing, maybe eating lunch outside or going for a walk on your lunch break.
Set Goals: Try aiming for a certain number of hours outside per week. Attainable goals give us something achievable to work towards and accomplish, double win!
Find Outdoor Hobbies: Discover outdoor hobbies that bring you joy, such as cycling, kayaking, paddle boarding, or birdwatching. Don’t forget to intentionally carve these into your rhythms.
Plan Outdoor Social Activities: Gather family and friends with outdoor activities such as picnics, cookouts, or outdoor sports. Personally, I have never felt mad about eating a grilled hot dog.
Prioritize Outdoor Workouts: Opt for outdoor fitness whenever possible, such as running, walking, yoga, or outdoor classes to combine exercise with fresh air and sunlight.
Limit Screen Time: Consider setting screen time limits and intentionally choosing outdoor activities instead.
Embrace All Weather Conditions: Don’t let the weather deter you– try dressing appropriately and choosing to go out anyways, finding various activities you can enjoy in sun, rain, or snow.
Create Outdoor Spaces at Home: If you have the opportunity, making your outdoor space at home inviting and comfortable can make you more inclined to spend time there, maybe reading a book or talking to a friend.
Prioritize Self Care: Yes, the buzz word “self care” has made an appearance. But, recognizing the importance of outdoor time for your mental and physical well-being and prioritizing this can be an incredible, cost friendly self-care routine.
Sometimes we just have to make the choice, give it a try, and see what happens. Remember, perfection isn’t the goal, perfection is never the goal. Those small decisions we make every day often lead to huge impacts in the future. I really do believe in you, you’ve got this!